



















此外,我们也会通过Cookie、SDK等同类技术自动收集您或您孩子的个人信息,具体请您查阅《FCM个人信息保护政策》 “我们如何使用Cookie和同类技术”部分进行详细了解。如我们需要超出上述范围收集和使用儿童个人信息,我们将再次征得监护人的同意。











8、 用于维护我们的产品及服务的安全稳定运行所必需的,例如发现、处置我们的产品及服务的故障;




我们承诺对儿童个人信息进行严格保密,仅在符合本政策说明和您明确授权同意的情况下对外共享儿童个人信息。为了提升信息处理效率,降低信息处理成本,或提高信息处理准确性,我们可能会委托有能力的我们的关联公司或其他专业机构代表我们来处理儿童个人信息,具体请参见《FCM个人信息保护政策》的 “三、对外提供信息”关于我们如何共享、转让、公开披露您的个人信息的部分。

























(二) 下列情形下,您或您的孩子可以通过《FCM个人信息保护政策》 “如何联系我们”所列的渠道联系我们,要求删除相应的儿童个人信息:









1、如对本政策内容、儿童个人信息有任何疑问、意见或建议,您可通过FCM客服(北京+86 1058292929,上海+86 2122111888,广州+86 2081133901)与我们联系;




FCM Children’s Personal Information Protection Policy and Guardian’s Notice

Latest version effective date: December 1, 2021

FCM platform service provider (Flight Centre - Comfort Business Travel Service Co., Ltd Shanghai Branch or "we" hereinafter) is well aware of the importance of protecting the personal information safety and privacy of the children (minors under the age of 14, the same below). On the basis of FCM Personal Information Protection Policy, we intend to explain the corresponding handling rules and other related matters when we collect and use children's personal information through FCM Children’s Personal Information Protection Policy and Guardian’s Notice (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy"). As your child's parent or other guardian (hereinafter referred to as the "guardian"), please carefully read and thoroughly understand this Policy, especially the terms in bold/in bold and underlined, before you and any child under your guardianship use FCM's products and services (see the definition in FCM Personal Information Protection Policy for details, hereinafter referred to as "our products and services"), and be sure that you have fully understood and agreed to all the terms before deciding whether to allow yourself and the child to use our products and services.

Special notes for the guardians:

Your understanding and cooperation are vital to us in protecting the personal information and privacy of the child under your guardianship. We hope you can assist us in ensuring that, in order to safeguard children's legitimate rights and interests, any children under your guardianship can only use our products and services and provide personal information to us with your permission or guidance. We will take special measures as stated in this Policy to protect the personal information of the child under your guardianship. If you do not agree to the terms of this Policy, please promptly stop providing us with the personal information of the child under your guardianship or ask the child to stop accessing/using our products and services immediately.

Special notes for children:

Any children participating in online activities should obtain prior consent of the guardian. If you are a child, please have your guardian read these terms with you and be sure to seek your guardian’s consent and guidance before you use our products and services or provide your personal data to us.

This Policy applies to the online collection, storage, use, transfer, sharing and disclosure of children’s personal information that are conducted within the territory of the PRC. This Policy is a special version of rules formulated on the basis of FCM Personal Information Protection Policy. In case of any inconsistency with FCM Personal Information Protection Policy, this Policy shall prevail. Where this Policy does not specify, the FCM Personal Information Protection Policy shall apply.

After reading this Policy, if you have any questions or concerns related to this Policy, you can contact us through the feedback channels listed in “Section VII. How to Contact Us" of this Policy, and we will reply as soon as possible. 

This policy will help you understand the following sections:

I.How we collect and use children's personal information

II.How we share, transfer and disclose children's personal information

III.How we store children's personal information

IV.How we protect children's personal information

V.How to manage children's personal information

VI.Revision of this Policy

VII.How to contact us

I. How we collect and use children's personal information?
II.How we share, transfer and disclose children's personal information

We promise to keep children's personal information strictly confidential and share children's personal information with external parties only in accordance with this Policy and your explicit authorization and consent. In order to improve efficiency, reduce costs, or improve accuracy of information processing, we may entrust competent affiliated companies or other professional agencies to process children's personal information on our behalf. For more information, please refer to the "Providing Information to the External Parties" section in the FCM Personal Information Protection Policy.

1.We will implement the duty and responsibility of protecting children's personal information in strict accordance with relevant laws and regulations, uphold the principles of legitimate necessity, informed consent, clear purpose, safety and security, and use in accordance with the law, and collect and use children's personal information with the consent of the guardian. By actively providing us with the personal information of any child under your guardianship when using our products or services, such as purchasing air tickets and other products for the child, or sharing the child's photos, videos or other information in the comments, community and other information release functions we provide to you, you acknowledge that you have agreed to our collection and use of the child's personal information in accordance with the contents of this Policy. 

2.As you and the child under your guardianship are using our products and services, we may also collect and use other personal information of the child for the purpose of providing our products and services to you or the child (such as providing personalized display or recommendation and providing security for your account). For details about the purpose, scope of collecting personal information and the consequences of refusing to provide corresponding information, please refer to the FCM Personal Information Protection Policy.

In addition to the contents described in the "Providing Information to the External Parties" section of the FCM Personal Information Protection Policy, we will also take the following measures to protect the safety of children's personal information in the process of sharing, transfer and disclosure:

In addition, we will automatically collect the personal information of you or the child under your guardianship through cookies, SDK and other similar technologies. For more information, please refer to the "How do we use cookies and similar technologies" section in the FCM Personal Information Protection Policy. We will obtain additional consent from the guardian if we need to collect and use the personal information of the child under your guardianship beyond the above scope.

Please note that in cases where we cannot identify or will not try to determine whether the personal information collected and processed belongs to a child, we will collect and process the personal information in accordance with FCM Personal Information Protection Policy.

3.Exceptions with authorized consent

According to relevant laws and regulations, it is not necessary to obtain the authorization and consent from the child's guardian to collect the information of the child in the following situations:

1)Related to the performance of our obligations in compliance with laws and regulations;

2)Related to national security, national defense security, public security, public health and major public interests;

3)Related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and sentence execution;

4)Where it is difficult to obtain the consent of the guardian in order to protect the life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests of the child;

5)Where the information collected is disclosed to the public by the child or the guardian;

6)Where information is collected from legally publicly disclosed sources, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels;

7)Where it is necessary to sign and perform relevant contract or other written documents with you or the child under your guardianship;

8)Where it is necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the products and services provided, such as discovering and disposing of product or service failures;

9)Where it is necessary for an academic research institution to conduct statistics or academic research based on the public interest, and provide the results of academic research or description to external parties. At the time of the result, the personal information contained in the result is de-identified;

10)Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

1.If it is necessary to share children's personal information to a third party for the purposes set forth in this policy, we will evaluate the legitimacy, justification, and necessity of the collection of such data by the third party.

2.We will require the third party to take protective measures for children's personal information and strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations and regulatory requirements. We will require the third party receiving children's personal information to comply with strict confidentiality obligations and take effective measures to prohibit such information from being used for purposes not authorized by the children and their guardians. The entrusted party is obligated to:

1)process the children's personal information in accordance with laws, administrative regulations, and our requirements;

2)assist us in responding to any requests the guardians make;

3)take measures to ensure information security and promptly report to us in the event of any leakages of children's personal information;

4)promptly delete the children's personal information when the entrustment is terminated;

5)not entrust any third party with the tasks entrusted to itself; and

6)perform any other obligations that it shall perform to protect children's personal information according to the law.

3.In addition, we will obtain your prior consent or confirm that the third party has obtained your consent as required by laws and regulations.

III.How we store children's personal information

1.Children's personal information collected and generated in connection with our operations in the People's Republic of China will be stored in China. We will provide children’s personal information to the recipient outside the borders after fulfilling our legal obligations under the following circumstances:

1)There are explicit provisions in applicable laws

2)Your explicit authorization has been obtained

3)You or the child under your guardianship conduct cross-border transactions or other personal initiative actions through the Internet.

Under the above circumstances, we will ensure that the children’s personal information is protected, through contracts and other means, with at least the same degree of care as that stipulated in this Policy.

IV.How we protect children's personal information

We will take reasonable and feasible measures and do our utmost to avoid collecting irrelevant children’s personal information. We will retain children’s personal information only for the period necessary to achieve the purposes stated in this Policy, unless a longer retention period is compulsorily required by law. For more information on how we determine the storage period of children's personal information, please refer to the “Storage of Information” section in the FCM Personal Information Protection Policy. If we terminate the service or operation, we will promptly stop the activities of continuing to collect children's personal information. At the same time, we will comply with the relevant laws and regulations to inform the guardians in advance, and after the termination of the service or operation, children's personal information will be deleted or anonymized, except as otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations or regulatory authorities.

We take children's privacy protection seriously, and will take all reasonable and feasible measures to protect children's personal information.

1.We strictly control access to children's personal information, apply the principle of least privilege to employees who may have access to children's personal information, and take technical measures to record and manage the employees' processing actions in order to prevent illegal copying and downloading of children's personal information.

2.We have developed an emergency response plan for children's information security incidents, and we regularly organize relevant internal personnel to carry out emergency response training and emergency drills to enable them to master job responsibilities and emergency response strategies and procedures. Where a children's information security incident occurs, we will, in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, promptly inform the children and their guardians of the basic information and possible impact of the security incident, the measures we have taken or will take, suggestions on how the children and their guardians can independently prevent and reduce risks, remedial measures for the children and their guardians, etc. We will promptly inform the children and their guardians of the incident-related information by app push notification, email, SMS, etc. Where it is difficult to inform all children and their guardians one by one, we will publish relevant warning information in a reasonable and effective way. At the same time, we will report the handling of children's information security incident in accordance with the requirements of regulatory authorities. If the legitimate rights and interests of children and their guardians are damaged, we will bear corresponding legal responsibilities.

3.For more information, please refer to the “Protection of minors” section in the FCM Personal Information Protection Policy to learn about the measures we have taken to protect children's personal information.

V.How to manage children's personal information

1.In order to facilitate convenient access to and management of the personal information of the child under your guardianship when you and the child are using our products and services, and to guarantee your right to cancel the account, we provide you and the child with corresponding operation settings of the client so that you and the child can follow the guidance in the “Your rights” section of the FCM Personal Information Protection Policy.

2.You and the child under your guardianship may contact us through the channels described in the "Contact us" section of the FCM Personal Information Protection Policy to request the deletion of the child's personal information if:

1)We collect, store, use or disclose children's personal information in violation of laws, administrative regulations or the agreement between both parties;

2)We collect, store, use or disclose children's personal information beyond the scope of purpose or necessary retention period;

3)You withdraw your consent;

4)You or the child under your guardianship cease using our products or services by cancelling the account or other similar actions.

VI.Revision of this Policy

We may modify the terms of this Policy from time to time according to the update of our products and services and the relevant requirements of laws and regulations. Such modifications constitute a part of this Policy and we will publish the latest version on a special page. Due to our large number of users, we will also provide more noticeable notifications (including announcements on our official website or the homepage of our client and even pop-up prompts). For more information, please refer to the "Policy Update" section in the FCM Personal Information Protection Policy.

VII.How to contact us

If you and the child under your guardianship have any questions concerning this Policy, or have any complaints about or comments on the processing of children's personal information, please contact us through the following channels. We will reply to your request within 15 days after receiving your questions, comments or suggestions and verifying the identity of the guardian and/or the child:

1.If you have any questions, comments or suggestions concerning the contents of this Policy and children's personal information, you can contact us through FCM customer service (Beijing + 86 1058292929, Shanghai + 86 212211888, Guangzhou + 86 2081133901);

2.If you discover that the personal information may be leaked, you can submit a complaint/report through the customer service;

3.you can contact our personal information protection department through dpo@fcm.asia or its office address at 9/F, Influx Center, No. 1388, North Shaanxi Road, Putuo District, Shanghai, P.R. China.

It should be noted that we cannot ensure a response to questions regarding topics unrelated to this Policy or personal information protection.