
尊敬的用户,感谢您使用北京福莱森特国际旅游有限公司(以下简称“福莱森特”或“我们”)运营的FCM 商旅平台(下称“FCM平台”)等进行国际差旅产品与/服务预订以及企业差旅管理报告服务,其中具体的预订服务将由相应 商旅内容提供商您提供。

请您知悉,FCM 平台指包括 FCM MobileiOS Android 应用)、 FCM Platform 在线预订工具(OBT)及移动网页端(H5)、FCM 官网等在内的客户端和网站。

您理解,为订立、履行您或者您指定个人作为一方当事人的服务合同所必需, 在您通过FCM平台或联系FCM运营团队进行国际机票、国际火车票、国际酒店、国际租车等差旅预订服务时, 福莱森特需将中涉及您勾选的产品信息与您输入的个人信息 传输至我们位于澳大利亚的境外总部即福莱森特旅游集团(Flight Centre Travel Group Limited )(下称境外接收方),由境外接收方将您的个人信息提供给您所预订服务的商旅内容提供商 以供其核实您的身份、确认您的订单,并最终为您提供预订服务。例如当您通过平台预订了您在差旅行程中拟入住的酒店,我们会将您已经提供的入住酒店需处理的个人信息传输至境外接收方,再由境外接收方该将等个人信息提供给您预订的境外酒店内容提供商即预订的境外酒店。

同时,如您为我们的企业客户员工,我们将会应您所就职公司要求将您的个人信息向我们的境外总部传输,形成差旅管理报告以满足您所就职公司对企业差旅管理的要求 ,您的就职公司以及就职公司的总部可获得相应的访问及/或下载权限











  福莱森特旅游集团( Flight Centre Travel Group Limited


个人基本资料(姓名); 个人教育工作信息(工作单位、工号、FCM账号);个人财产信息(出发日期和时间、到达日期和时间、车次、出发国家、用车日期和时间、航班号、到达国家、用车结束日期和时间、机票编号、舱位、航班里程、订单编号、下单日期、神龙单号、总价); 个人位置信息(酒店入住日期酒店离店日期酒店地址)。





福莱森特旅游集团( Flight Centre Travel Group Limited








福莱森特旅游集团( Flight Centre Travel Group Limited


个人基本资料(姓名、电子邮箱);个人财产信息(信用卡号信用卡有效期、);个人位置信息(酒店入住日期酒店离店日期酒店名称酒店地址) 。





福莱森特旅游集团( Flight Centre Travel Group Limited







福莱森特旅游集团( Flight Centre Travel Group Limited






·          上述清单仅反映您在全部产品/服务下,我们对您的个人信息向境外接收方传输的情况。

·          上述清单是我们对全部产品/服务下所可能向境外接收方传输个人信息的汇总说明,并不代表着您同意使用我们的全部产品与/或服务,我们将向境外接收方传输本清单中全部信息。仅当您使用特定产品与/或服务,我们才会根据“最小必要原则”,为实现向您提供服务的目的,向相关境外接收方传输您的相关个人信息

·          如果您对境外接收方处理您的个人信息有任何疑问,您可以随时根据清单中境外接收方的联系方式直接向境外接收方行使您的个人信息相关权利。您也可以通过 发送邮件至 dpo@fcm.asia 与我们取得联系,我们将在15个工作日内回复或响应您的权利请求。

请您审慎核实确认本同意函以及您在本平台输入的个人信息。若您勾选 我同意按照《个人信息跨境传输同意函》将我的个人信息跨境传输则表示您同意福莱森特基于为您提供服务之目的并取得您的单独同意,向有关境外接收方提供您的个人信息;如果订单信息中包含未成年人信息的,表示您作为订单中未成年人的监护人(或已征得该未成年人监护人的同意),有权使用该未成年人信息提交订单,同意本平台为提供产品或服务的目的,处理未成年人的个人信息。




Consent Letter for Cross-border Transfer of Personal Information

Dear users, thank you for using the FCM Business Travel Platform (hereinafter referred to as "FCM Platform") operated by Flight Centre China International Travel Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “Flight Centre”, “We “or "us") for international travel products and/or services booking as well as the service of corporate travel management report. The specific booking services will be provided by the corresponding business travel content provider.

Please be aware that FCM Platform refers to clients and websites including FCM Mobile (iOS and Android Applications), FCM Platform Online Booking Tool (OBT), mobile web terminal (H5), FCM official website, etc.

You understand that, in order to conclude and perform a service contract to which you or an individual you designate as a party, when you book international airline tickets, international train tickets, international hotels, international car rental and other travel services through the FCM Platform or contact the FCM operation team, Flight Centre needs to transfer the product information you selected and the personal information you entered to our overseas headquarters in Australia, namely Flight Centre Travel Group Limited (hereinafter referred to as "the overseas recipient"). The overseas recipient will provide your personal information to the business travel service provider you booked for verification of your identity, confirmation of your order, and ultimately provide you with reservation service. For example, when you book the hotel, you plan to stay in on your travel itinerary through the platform, we will transmit the personal information that you have provided for the hotel to the overseas recipient, then the overseas recipient will provide such personal information to the hotel content provider of the overseas hotel you booked, that is, the overseas hotel you booked.

At the same time, if you are an employee of our corporate clients, we will transmit your personal information to our overseas headquarters at the request of your company, and form a travel management report to meet the requirements of your company for corporate travel management. Your company and the headquarter of your company can obtain the corresponding access and/or download permissions.

In this process, you don't need to worry about the security of your personal information. We will follow the requirements of relevant laws and regulations to ensure the security of your personal information, including performing the security assessment organized by the CAC, personal information protection certification, concluding legal documents with overseas recipients, and following the standard contract formulated by the CAC, to ensure that your personal information is at the same level of protection as the data protection laws of the People's Republic of China.

Before providing your personal information to the overseas recipient, Flight Centre will strictly implement the Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws and regulations as well as the FCM Personal Information Protection Policy of Flight Centre. Flight Centre will also require the relevant overseas recipient to earnestly perform the personal information protection obligation, only process your personal information for the purpose of providing services, and not transfer, share, provide or process your personal information for other purposes without authorization.

Please refer to the following list for details about the name, contact information, processing purpose, processing method and the types of processing personal information of such overseas recipient, and the ways and procedures for individuals to exercise their rights against the overseas recipient. This list applies to the products and services we provide to you through the FCM Platform; if there is a separate list for a particular product and/or service, that separate list takes precedence.

Business name

Name of overseas recipient

Contact information

The types of personal information

Processing purposes

Processing methods

Corporate client travel management

 Flight Centre Travel Group Limited


Basic personal information (name); Personal education/work information (workplace, employee number, FCM account number); Personal property information (departure date and time, arrival date and time, train number, departure country, vehicle use date and time, flight number, arrival country, vehicle use end date and time, ticket number, cabin class, flight mileage, order number, order date, Dragon order number, total price); Personal location information ( hotel check-in date, hotel check-out date, hotel address ).


In order to realize the additional function of the business travel booking service for Flight Centre enterprise customers, which is used to provide unified management and analysis of corporate customer travel report after booking is completed. Data outbound is a necessary activity for Flight Centre and to facilitate the fulfillment of the transactions between Flight Centre and corporate clients.

Cross-border transfer and data processing are carried out through the information system related to the data retention of overseas travel booking business. After the retention period or processing purpose is achieved, the overseas recipient will delete the outbound personal information (including all backups).


International airline ticket

Flight Centre Travel Group Limited


Basic personal information (name, passenger type, gender, date of birth, nationality, document validity, telephone number, e-mail); Personal identity information (document number); Personal location information: (airline name, flight number, cabin class, departure date and time, arrival date and time, departure airport, arrival airport).


In order to complete the ticket issuance in real name, to meet the requirements of overseas travel and identity verification, and to facilitate the fulfillment of the transactions between Flight Centre and corporate clients.

Cross-border transfer and data processing are carried out through the information system related to the data retention of overseas travel booking business. After the retention period or processing purpose is achieved, the overseas recipient will delete the outbound personal information (including all backups).


International Hotel

Flight Centre Travel Group Limited


Basic personal data (name, e-mail); Personal property information ( credit card number , credit card validity); Personal location information (hotel check-in date, hotel checkout date, hotel name, hotel address).


Complete overseas hotel reservations for corporate clients to meet their accommodation needs and facilitate the transaction performance between Flight Centre and corporate clients.

Cross-border transfer and data processing are carried out through the information system related to the data retention of overseas travel booking business. After the retention period or processing purpose is achieved, the overseas recipient will delete the outbound personal information (including all backups).

International car rental

Flight Centre Travel Group Limited


Basic personal information (name, telephone number); Other information (date and time of car use, end date and time of car use, car type rented).


Complete overseas car rental booking services for corporate clients to meet their driving needs and leading to fulfillment of transactions between Flight Centre and corporate clients.

Cross-border transfer and data processing are carried out through the information system related to the data retention of overseas travel booking business. After the retention period or processing purpose is achieved, the overseas recipient will delete the outbound personal information (including all backups).


International train ticket

Flight Centre Travel Group Limited


Basic personal information (name, telephone number, document type); Personal identity information (document number); Personal location information (train number, seat, departure city, arrival city, departure date and time, arrival date and time).

Complete the real name issuance of train tickets for corporate clients to meet their cross-border travel and identity verification requirements and leading to fulfillment of transactions between Flight Centre and corporate clients.

Cross-border transfer and data processing are carried out through the information system related to the data retention of overseas travel booking business. After the retention period or processing purpose is achieved, the overseas recipient will delete the outbound personal information (including all backups).



·          The above list only reflects your transmission of your personal information to overseas recipients under full range of products/services.

·          The above list is a summary of the personal information that we may transmit to overseas recipients under full range of products/services. It does not imply that you agree to use all our products and/or services, then we will transmit all the information in this list to overseas recipients. Only if you use specific products and/or services, we will transfer your relevant personal information to the relevant overseas recipients for the purpose of providing services to you according to the " principle of minimum necessary".

·          If you have any questions about the processing of your personal information by overseas recipient's, you can exercise your personal information related rights directly to the overseas recipient at any time according to the contact information of the overseas recipient in the list. You can also contact us by sending an email to dpo@fcm.asia, and we will reply or respond to your rights request within 15 working days.

Please carefully verify and confirm this consent letter and the personal information you input on this platform. If you check "I agree to the cross-border transfer of my personal information in accordance with the Consent Letter for Cross-border Transfer of Personal Information", it means you agree that Flight Centre will provide your personal information to the relevant overseas recipients based on the purpose of providing you with services and obtaining your separate consent; If the order information contains information of a minor, it means that you, as the guardian of the minor (or have obtained the consent of the minor guardian), have the right to use the minor’s information to submit the order, and agree that the platform will process the minor's personal information for the purpose of providing products or services.

Release date: December 5, 2023

Flight Centre China International Travel Co., Ltd