




FCM商旅:指包括FCM Mobile(iOS和Android应用)、FCM Travel(iOS 和Android应用)、FCM预定平台(域名为【app.fcmonline.com.cn】)等网站及客户端。











































FCM Platform Service Agreement

Welcome to use the FCM Platform (hereinafter referred to as “FCM”). The FCM Platform User Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “the Agreement”) is jointly signed by you and Flight Centre China International Tourism Co.,Ltd

[Read Carefully]

Please read the Agreement carefully and make sure you understand it before confirming your registration, especially the limitation and exclusion of liability, the application of law and dispute resolution. Key terms will be indicated in bold and you should read them carefully. If you have any questions with the Agreement, please contact FCM Customer Service.


FCM Travel refers to websites and clients including FCM Mobile (IOS and Android application), FCM Travel (IOS and Android application), and FCM booking platform (Domain Name: [app.fcmonoline.com.cn]).

FCM refers to the operator of FCM Travel, Flight Centre China International Tourism Co.,Ltd

Affiliated Companies refer to Flight Centre China International Tourism Co.,Ltd., including Flight Centre China International Tourism Co.,Ltd Shanghai Branch, Flight Centre China International Tourism Co.,Ltd Guangzhou Branch, Flight Centre - Comfort Business Travel Service Co. Ltd., Flight Centre - Comfort Business Travel Service Co. Ltd. Shanghai Branch, and Flight Centre - Comfort Business Travel Service Co. Ltd Guangzhou Branch.

I.General Terms

1. The contents of the Agreement include the main body of the Agreement, each individual service agreement of FCM and various rules that FCM has issued or may issue in the future, including but not limited to Disclaimer, Personal Information Protection Policy, Personal Information Authorization Statement, Reservation Terms and Conditions/ Reservation Instructions (hereinafter referred to as "other Terms and Conditions"). In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the Agreement and other Terms and Conditions, other Terms and Conditions will prevail. Unless otherwise specified, any services provided by FCM Platform are subject to the Agreement.

2. While reading the Agreement, if you do not agree to any of the terms, please immediately stop the registration process, stop accessing this website or using the services of this website. A minor under the age of 14 shall read the Agreement under the guidance of the guardian, and the use of FCM products and services shall be approved by the guardian.

II.User Registration

1. Before you start to register and use FCM platform services, you confirm that you have relevant capacity for performing civil juristic acts according to the laws of the People's Republic of China. If you do not have the above-mentioned relevant capacity for performing civil juristic acts, you and your guardian shall bear all the consequences arising therefrom according to the law.

2. When you fill in the information, read and agree to the Agreement, and complete all the registration process as prompted on the registration page, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to accept and be bound by the terms and conditions of the Agreement and become a user of FCM Platform.

III.Service Instructions

You can access FCM Platform via the Internet to purchase FCM products and services.

1. You must select and install the officially authorized application or licensed client version, including but not limited to iOS, Android, Wechat mini program which are released by FCM. If you obtain application with the same name from a third party which is unauthorized by FCM, FCM cannot guarantee the normal use of the software and will not be responsible for the incurred losses.

2. FCM may change, upgrade, modify or transfer the related functions of the software, platform and client terminal, and may add new functions or other services to the system. If there is no separate agreement for the above new functions and services, you have the authorization to use the corresponding functions and services, as the Agreement applies.

3.You may not install, use or run the platform, licensed software or client terminal authorized by FCM for commercial purposes.

4. In order to ensure the quality of products and services provided by FCM, you agree to:

(1) provide FCM with true, accurate and exhaustive personal data to register for an FCM Platform account;

(2) update your personal data if the information changes after the submission for registration is completed. If you provide false or illegal personal information, or your personal information is missing, you shall bear the corresponding responsibilities arising therefrom. FCM reserves the right to suspend or terminate your access to all FCM products / services.

(3) ensure the security of your account (username) and password. You are responsible for any activity conducted under your username and password. If you suspect any unauthorized account activity or any other hidden security risks, you should immediately notify FCM in writing or other effective method of communication to suspend relevant services. You understand that taking action on your request requires a reasonable amount of time, and FCM shall not be liable for any consequences (including but not limited to any of your losses) occurring during such period.

IV.Change of Agreement

FCM reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of these Terms of Use or any other FCM policies related to the use of the application, at any time, by posting updates and/or changes on FCM Business Travel. If you do not agree to the changes, you must immediately stop accessing FCM or using FCM services. If you continue to use the application after the above changes or modifications are posted, you are agreeing that the changes or modifications apply to your continued use of the application.

V.Terms of Use

When using FCM products or services, you shall comply with the requirements of all applicable laws, rules, regulations, and orders of the People's Republic of China. You shall not use FCM Platform to engage in any illegal acts or improper conduct, including but not limited to:

1.acts that violate laws, regulations and policies, offend the public order or good morals, or harm public interests.

2.harassing, insulting, stalking, threatening, defaming or otherwise infringing the legal rights (including but not limited to the rights of publicity or other proprietary rights) of others.

3. producing or inciting wrongful acts that may give rise to criminal or civil charges.

4. unauthorized commercial use of any data on FCM Platform, including but not limited to obtaining and using the data displayed on FCM Platform by means of web crawler, replication or dissemination without FCM's prior written consent.

5. Use of any device, software, routine or other means to interfere with or attempt to interfere with the normal operation of FCM or any transaction or activity being conducted on FCM Platform or acts that may produce an unreasonably huge data load on the network equipment of FCM Platform.

6. transmitting any software viruses or other computer codes, files and programs that interfere with, damage or restrict the functions of computer software, hardware and/or communication equipment.

7. other violations of the law or acts that have been considered unethical

FCM will determine whether or not the Terms of Use have been violated, and reserves the right to terminate any user license, remove relevant contents, or file legal proceedings accordingly. Neither a failure nor a delay on the part of FCM shall operate as a waiver of that right.

VI.User Information and Privacy Policy

FCM has always put great importance on the protection of personal information and privacy. FCM will collect, use, share and store your personal information in order to provide products and services to you. Therefore, we have developed Privacy Policy to protect your vital interests. We recommend that you read the Privacy Policy in full to better understand how to protect your personal information.

VII.Third Party Links or Services

FCM products and services may contain links to other websites or resources. FCM will perform relevant obligations to advertisers in accordance with the law, but you understand and agree that these advertisers and advertising contents are not controlled by FCM. You should carefully judge the authenticity and reliability of the advertisement. You shall be responsible for any form of communication or dispute settlement with the advertisers or marketers through the products and services of FCM Platform. In addition to the responsibilities borne by the advertising publishers as stipulated by law, FCM will not bear any additional responsibilities but will provide necessary assistance in compliance with the law.

You understand that we may share your information with the third party to provide better services to you. You agree that by using such services on the licensed software, you authorize us to transfer the information about your use of the licensed software to the third party in accordance with the Privacy Policy, or collect the information you provide or generate when you register or use such services from the third party. If you do not want a third party to obtain your information, you can stop using these services, and we will stop transmitting your information to the third party.

VIII.Legal Liability

1. FCM provides products and services to users under the existing technical conditions and is committed to ensuring the safety, convenience and reliability of the application terminal and platform, but the relevant risks shall be borne by the users. Limited by the state-of-the-art technology available, FCM makes no express or implied warranty to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.

2. FCM shall not be liable for any direct or indirect losses caused by a force majeure event or third party.

3. FCM shall not bear any consequences or damage arising from improper use of network member services, illegal use of services or changes in the information provided by the user to FCM.

4. In no event shall FCM be liable for any indirect damages (including loss of goodwill, loss of profit, loss of revenue, business interruption, loss of contracting opportunities, loss of expected benefits, and other indirect, incidental or punitive losses).

IX.Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The Agreement shall be governed by, and interpreted in accordance with, the laws of the People's Republic of China, without regard to the conflict of laws principles thereof.

Any dispute arising from or in connection with the interpretation or application of the Agreement shall be submitted to Shanghai Arbitration Commission for arbitration in accordance with the arbitration rules then in force.